Thankful Thursday – Its Over though not like i imagined

Posted On June 14, 2007

Filed under Thankful Thursday

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This week has been hard one for me. I have been very emotional. Parts of my life Id sooner forget have been somewhat freshen up hopefully for the last time ever. However, today is Thursday and because of Him I can be thankful. I can also be thankful because it is over. On Tuesday I had to go to Auckland to testify against a violent man. This was very hard for me. There was a possibility that the court-case would result in a hung jury. We prayed it wouldnt. It didnt. However, this afternoon I was rung by my detective and informed that the man was found not guilty. He is now free again (he had served sometime already).

  • Today I can be thankful – although it didnt turn out the way we hoped, the way I know without a doubt it did happen, it is over.
  • I am thankful too for all the supportive friends, family (my sister, my cousins and Muzz’s family) and bloggie pals over the last few days and for those that have been aware of this for even longer (3 years). I love you all and thankyou most sincerely
  • I am thankful to Muzz for all that he is and does and for all the babysitting he has had to do in relation to this.
  • My boys who are always eager to give me a hug when I get down about this. Hugs always help. Keep them coming my darlings
  • My God My Rock. I was told that I am a strong woman the other day. I dont think I am. I just cope and often go to pieces. However, I never forget that “there is a hand guiding [my] steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.” quote from Paulo Coelho. I thank Him for when He calls me to Him and allows me to bask in Him. I thank Him for His Word and the fact that He has lead others (musicians) to share their musical gifts with us and so allow us to mediate upon Him. I am so thankful for Tuesday morning when He surrounded me yet again with His love, support and guidance and for Him again on Tuesday afternoon when He was right beside me protecting me. Thank you Lord everything is possible though You.

13 Responses to “Thankful Thursday – Its Over though not like i imagined”

  1. Denise

    You are a strong woman my dear friend, God and I love you.

  2. Amy

    You’ve gone through some much Jen, I have no doubt in my mind that E has not changed a bit – I’m praying for you and for him to come to know God. Only He can change people like your ex. *hugs*

  3. supermom

    I am so so sorry to hear this. You are amazing woman though – still you can be thankful

  4. Alice Teh

    Yes you are strong Jen, and I will reiterate what all the other ladies here have said. You’re an amazingly strong woman. God bless you and all your loved ones. *HUGS*

  5. Karen - Changed by Love

    I will be praying as your healing continues over the decision in the case. Rest assured God will prevail. Have a blessed Thursday!

  6. Christine

    So sorry you were going through this! I’m thankful that it’s over and that you’ve had so much support from the people in your life. Blessings to you today! Take a deep breath and enjoy God’s presence!

  7. Robin

    I’m sorry you have gone through this horrible experience and I am so glad that it is over. I hope you will be able to put it behind you and focus on the future – not the past. God bless you today.

  8. Mary

    I’m thankful it’s over too…and that you have some pretty wonderful males in your life now!

    Hope the rest of your week is tension-free and blessed.

  9. Barb

    Although it’s not the outcome you hoped for, at least it’s all finally over and you can move on. I suspect you’re a lot stronger than you think you are. I would have been a mess, going through something like this. Thank goodness it’s done. And thank goodness for your man and your boys.

  10. jenz

    Amy he claimed he was a Christain when he was with even took me to his church. i dont think he is really. but boy does he need Him

    Alice if I am a strong woman its only because I have Him
    He is the one that makes me strong

    Thanks Denise, Karen, Christine, Robin and Mary – I have been blessed!!! by my 3 boys (the big one included – Muzz):)

    there were lots of times I was a mess even last night. But its over and its time to move on thankfully without it hanging over my head anymore 🙂

  11. Gretchen Hanna

    Jen, good for you for focusing on God when it would be really easy to wallow in this court outcome. I’m proud of you. I know God’s heart is so touched when we seek Him above all else. Bless you, my friend.

  12. eph2810

    I am so sorry, Jen that you had such heart-breaking week. I am glad that you are surrounded by people that give you this kind of support. I am glad that He gives you comfort in times like that.
    Thank you so much for still sharing with us your grateful heart.

    Blessings to you and yours.

  13. devildogwife

    (((hugs))) May God give you the comfort and peace that you need right now. I’m so proud of you for all that you did, and for being thankful even if you don’t “feel” like it. (((hugs)))

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